Org Themes collection

1. Introduction

This is a collection of org html themes.
I collected them in the past years and used them personally. So they should work.
There are two ways to use them [not all themes include both solutions]:

  • as extern css/js files
  • embedded inside an html file

For the embedded version there is a SETUPFILE with the extension ".theme". This file has all needed css and js
inside style and script tags.

Include it by using:

#+SETUPFILE: <path to .theme file>

Every theme is rendered with the same org file. A plane version is also included.
The git repository with all files is here: Gitlab Repo

1.1. Credits and apology

I used them mainly embedded, with custom created SETUPFILES.
This means I not always have the source files.
This also means I probably don't know from where I got the themes. So I apologize when your work is listed here
without your name. Please contact me, so I can credit you.

1.2. Contributions

I am happy to include any theme.

1.4. Irony

There is a reason that this page has no custom css.

Author: Marco Pawłowski (

Last Update: 2022-06-24 Fri 19:40